The WOW Moment: Transform Your Pickleball Game

by Edward Beazer on January 13, 2025

The WOW Moment!!!

When you arrive at the pickleball court each day, try this easy exercise. Warm up with the Bzer mini training pickleball for about 10 minutes. Just dinking—straight across the net, cross-court, both directions: to the left, then to the right. Forehand and backhand.

Then transition to the regular pickleball. You are going to have this WOW moment. The regular pickleball will look huge, like a beachball. It will feel easier to hit, and you'll have better ball/paddle contact and better ball placement.

You will be so much better prepared for your first game. You’ll find that you will have this WOW moment every time you do this. You’re going to love it.